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Leadership Mississippi



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Leadership Mississippi(圖1)-速報App

Leadership Mississippi is an annual program of the Mississippi Economic Council conducted by the M.B. Swayze Foundation. Participants, selected by a committee of MEC’s Leadership Mississippi Alumni, work together in a training program that combines individual study, group sessions and project experience in using leadership skills. Leadership Mississippi is endowed through a generous contribution by the late J.C. and Annie Redd. J.C. Redd was Chairman of the Mississippi Economic Council in 1973-74 when the program began.

Leadership Mississippi(圖2)-速報App

Leadership Mississippi is the second oldest statewide leadership program in the nation. Since its inception in 1974, Leadership Mississippi has graduated more than 1,000 alumni active in Mississippi business and politics. Mississippi’s top business executives have participated in Leadership Mississippi as a way to expand their networks. Many elected leaders, including a former governor, are graduates and recognize the value of the Leadership Mississippi experience.

Leadership Mississippi(圖3)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad